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JNU Joined the EU Erasmus+ JEUL project

source:   Author and Photographer: Xu Fang     time: 2020-12-17    Hits:

The European Union approved JNU to join the JEUL (Joint Enterprise University Learning) project funded by Erasmus+. University of Siena, one of the initiators, signed a cooperation agreement with JNU. On the afternoon of December 11, Professor Chen Wei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of JNU, had an online meeting with Professor Francesco Frati, president of University of Siena, to discuss the future cooperation. At the meeting was Professor Maurizio Pompell and Mario De Martino from University of Siena, Lorenzo Costantino, representative of the project participating unit IHF, Cai Jianying, deputy director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office of JNU, Zhang Haifeng, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Business, Dean Teng Lefa, Deputy Dean Wang Yuhong, and Qian Wu Yong.

President Francesco Frati welcomed JNU as a new member, and hoped to promote the in-depth cooperation and exchanges between the two universities. He emphasized that the impact of the pandemic is not a barrier but an opportunity and challenge for future cooperation.

President Chen Wei expressed his gratitude to the EU, and briefly introduced the achievements of JNU in teaching and research. Cai Jianying and Teng Lefa introduced the international cooperation and exchanges of JNU and the development of the School of Business.

The JEUL project is a research project funded by the European Union Erasmus+, dedicated to cooperation and exchanges between universities and enterprises to strengthen the training of talent. The project has nine partners from China, Vietnam, Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania and the United Kingdom. As an important academic partner, JNU will actively undertake and support the implementation of related research activities.

Speech by President Chen Wei

Participants from JNU

Speech by President Francesco Frati
